Author: WeirdHarold

Drudgereport Slants the News

Over the last few years, much has been made about the move to “online media”, and that traditional media, from newspapers to radio to television were all doomed as the new wave on online...

the good enuf rvlutn

the good enuf rvlutn

I have discovered more and more I read the flailing Wired magazine the same way I read The Onion, mostly for a laugh at the outrageous and humorous things that appear there.  In the...

The Long Lie

The Long Lie

A few years ago, Chris Anderson, the editor in chief of Wired Magazine wrote a book called “The Long Tail”. In a nutshell, Anderson’s observations were based mostly around the book, video, and music...

What Can Brown Do For You?  Go Slow?

What Can Brown Do For You? Go Slow?

Okay, now, it isn’t very often that I do this sort of thing, but damn, I gotta let this one out because it’s driving me batty. It’s a little story of rims for my...

CNN Slips to Third, or Did they?

CNN Slips to Third, or Did they?

An interesting report on the March viewership numbers from Nielsen Media Research. shows the CNN is slipping to third amoungst cable news viewship in prime time. “Through Wednesday, Fox was averaging 2.73 million prime-time...