Author: alex

Should Larry King Retire from CNN?

There has been much discussion the last year or so about the ratings decline at CNN. Since Lou Dobbs left, the numbers if anything have gotten worse, perhaps making Lou seem like the only...

NAPCAR: The NASCAR Collapse Continues

Well, two races into the 2010 season, and NASCAR, aka NAPCAR, is already showing some serious signs of crumbling at it’s foundations. The sheer volume of empty seats in California this past weekend, even...

Another Wild OverReach by the Guru of Free

I really enjoy reading the Techdirt blog mostly because it’s fun to watch Mike Masnick tie himself in knots trying to prove things. He is forever posting very speculative things, drawing conclusions that just...

Danica Patrick Finally Wins!

It was a long time coming, but it finally did happen. Danica Patrick, who’s arrival in the top end of American open wheel racing a couple of years ago finally won a race, taking...