Category: Things I hate

GM May Not Be Viable Anymore

GM May Not Be Viable Anymore

Is it a ploy to get more money from the US government? It was reported today that “General Motors Corp.’s auditors have raised “substantial doubt” about the troubled automaker’s ability to continue operations, and...

California is Burning

California is Burning

Insane number of wildfires have struck Northern and Central California, and according to Voice Of America, more than 400 seperate fires are burning. The loss of forest and natural spaces is a big deal,...

Osama Bin Ladin Still Bin Hiding

Osama Bin Ladin Still Bin Hiding

I don’t if I am the only person that feels like this, but I am getting really tired of the proclaimations on high from Osama Bin Ladin. Every so often, this guy releases a...