Category: Things I hate

American Idol fading and losing viewers

American Idol fading and losing viewers

Congratulations are in order for a growing number of Americans who have stopped watching the biggest blight on TV, American Idol. This show should be called “America Average”, because the end result of 16...

CBGBs runs out of time

CBGBs runs out of time

The club CBGBs, which was the launching point for bands such as The Ramones, Television, Talking Heads, Blondie, and many others has reached the end of it’s time. The building that it is located...

Why I hate flying

Why I hate flying

It seems these days that all the nutjobs and scewups can afford airlines tickets. This has made flying a very difficult deal. With all the security, checks, xrays, take off your shoes extra checks...

BP Investigates for Gas price fixing

BP Investigates for Gas price fixing

I guess this goes into the category of “score one of the little guys”. BP, already under investigation for potentially having manipulated the market price for propane is now under investigation for the same...