Category: RIP

Evel Knievel, RIP

One of my friends is kidding me that I should change the name of this blog to “those are people who died”, because her I got with another RIP post. I guess in a...

Marcel Marceau 1923-2007

Marcel Marceau was quite possibly the most famous man that most of us never heard speak.  Marceau single handedly returned the art of mime and pantomime to the forefront of entertainment in his 50...

Colin McRae, 1968-2007

Being of scottish decent, I am always proud of great Scottish athletes.  Being a fan of motorsports, I have always looked up to people like Jackie Stewart and Colin McRae.  Now I have to...

Is Fidel Castro Dead?

Now this has come up a couple of times in the last year, but this is one of those weird sort of web stories I love too much. Seems this weekend noted celeb blogger...

RIP: Tom Snyder

Tom Snyder was the enigma of talk show hosts when I was very young.  In my teen years, I would stay up late when I could to watch his show on on a static...