Category: Things I like

Brangalina Add 2 More

Brangalina Add 2 More

As has been speculated, Angelina Jolie finally gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, bringing the Brangalina brood up to 6 kids, which is sort of like they are trying to repopulate...

Nadal Wins at Wimbelton

Nadal Wins at Wimbelton

Breaking a 5 year stretch of great play and good luck by Roger Federer, Raphael Nadal finally broke through and won the men’s crown at Wimdleton Tennis club in a marathon match that was...

Danica Patrick Finally Wins!

It was a long time coming, but it finally did happen. Danica Patrick, who’s arrival in the top end of American open wheel racing a couple of years ago finally won a race, taking...

Bourne scores big

Bourne scores big

Matt Damon has proved that once again a good movie franchise can deliver the goods.  A 24 plus million dollar opening day makes this likely the highest grossing of the three movies in the...

Corn Maze

Corn Maze

I have done this before, and it is really a blast.  This time of the year, when the corn has been taken in but the stalks still stand, some farmers will make “corn mazes”. ...

Katie Couric on CBS News

Katie Couric on CBS News

I spy, with the evil CBS eye… someone who isn’t a man doing the news at CBS. That’s right, starting today… Katie Couric (will she change it to Kate to be more serious) will...

Stuff Starting… New TV Season!

Stuff Starting… New TV Season!

Fall is upon us.  How can I tell?  Well, besides the strange fact that September came and it started raining, well, because the new TV season is effecgively upon us!   While most of the...

Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season

I guess I am lucky, because I don’t live in the south east, so I don’t have to deal with hurricanes.  But with the arrival of the first hurricane of the 2006 season, Hurricane...