I Still Am At a Loss To Explain Trump 1 Year On
2017 has been a pretty horrible year in the world, all considered. We find ourselves closer to World War III than at any other time, the internet has turned into a cesspool, and pretty much every day brings some new plot, twist, turn, or fake news tin foil hat theory to drive us all mental.
All courtesy of Donald Trump, our lives have turned into really bad reality TV.
It’s so bad, I don’t know where to start. I will say that the one good thing so far is that Julian Assange has pretty exposed himself as a manipulative muckraker. He’s been working for Russia Today (so biased and state run that the US made them register as foreign lobbyists and not as journalists!), and much of his endless hatred for Hillary Clinton continues to play out. The current narrative being shoved out there is that the leaker of the Clinton DNC emails was a guy called Seth Rich. He worked for the DNC and was tragically killed in a hold-up robbery in Washington DC. The true twist of course is that his death wasn’t a robbery, but in fact a Clinton ordered hit. It was rumored that he was killed because he was on his way to “spill it all” to the FBI. Even Snopes has gotten into this show it false.
The guy who has profited from all of this is Trump himself. He’s the man who has labelled almost all of the mainstream media as “Fake News”, and has from that bully pulpit give rise to some truly outlandish websites and unchecked “news” sources that have filled the public discourse with a never ending barrage of junk. You only have to follow guys like Alex Jones or Mark Dice to know that ignorance is a gift for some people.
Moreover, all of this yelling and screaming about the “Clinton hit squad” or the Clinton Mafia is that it’s all there to try to keep people from watching the process by which Trump may well be impeached. Former CIA director Meuller is leading a wide ranging investigation into the connections between Trump, his campaign, the Russians, and a whole flea market of weird and wonderful datapoints that suggest all this fakenewsery has been nothing but a well orchestrated smoke screen.
It’s been pretty tough to watch this all happen. The 2016 Presidential election was long, drawn out, and incredibly divisive. I lost friends on social media, I got blocked on Twitter, and I too blocked more than a few truly annoying people. Logic, common sense, and verified information were replaces by wild stereotyping, nagging insults, and fake news. We are still to this day finding out the true effects of Russia and other “fake news” creators in the 2016 election. We do know for certain that the tone of the US and the world has gone down the tubes.
I oddly also find myself agreeing with Trump from time to time. Maybe it’s the blind mouse and cheese theory, but every so often he hits a target pretty solidly. However, even when he does get onto something good, he still manages to kick it into the weeds by being rude and insulting on Twitter and generally condescending all of the rest of the time.
So you would say something like “zowie, Bob, it’s pretty clear this guy is going to be a one term President” and you would probably be right under normal times, but these are not normal times. The Democrats are, in their usual manner, about as organized as a hoarder. They think they are doing great, but really it’s just a huge mess. With Hillary and Sanders both reaching their “out to pasture” ages (both would be in office past 80 if they did two terms), the Democrats need to bring along the next great contender to fight Trump next time out. You would figure that, a year in (and really not barely a year before the whole presidential bullshit process starts again) there is really nobody out front and leading the band – except Hillary, sort of. And Bernie, a bit. And… Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
At this point, the thing most likely to save the US is the Republican party going into revolt and NOT giving Trump the nomination for a second term. That is pretty unlikely, but you never know! Perhaps Meuller will solve it all for us and give the congress all that it needs to impeach him. But even then, it’s likely he will hang on, and that’s just enough to make anyone nervous!